
Donation of €5,000

On Thursday 3 March 2022, Foodsharing Luxembourg received a donation of €5,000 from the Rotary Club Junglinster-Syrdall and the Rotary Club Schengen/Mondorf at the Belenhaff in Junglinster. After a presentation of our association and our activities, we were able to receive this check which will be used in the procurement of professional refrigeration equipment for our Distribution Days in order to be able to meet even more the requirements of food safety.

Thank you again to both Rotary clubs.

Foodsharing Luxembourg received a trophy

Yesterday, Foodsharing Luxembourg received a trophy for its project submitted in 2020 at the European Solidarity Corps. This EU funding program for the duration of one year enabled us to solidify our foundation and to extend our activities, with for example the Distribution Days. A big thank you to the national EU agency Anefore for their support.

Advent Window at Foodsharing Point Lintgen

Foodsharing Point Lintgen, Photo by Hannah Proffitt-Perchard, December 2021

On December 1st, the Foodsharing Point in Lintgen revealed their Advent Window. The event was organised by the commune of Lintgen over the 24 days of Advent.

The window decorations were lovingly crafted by local children and all the lights and Christmas decorations were donated to us by SIVEC recycling centre.

The event was a team effort, and everyone had an enjoyable evening sharing saved food and drinking warm spiced apple juice made with local fruit!

It was a special occasion to connect with people from the village. It gave us the opportunity to explain and demonstrate how the Foodsharing Point works, discuss some common misconceptions, and spread the message to help fight food waste in Luxembourg.

Come to see our Advent Window – our window is lit up every night from 18:00 to 21:00 and you can also visit the Foodsharing Point.

“Take what you need, share what you can, fighting food waste together!”

Thank you, from the Foodsharing Point team Lintgen

Article in Tageblatt

Zu schade für die Tonne

(article in German)

Thank you to Tageblatt for this lively article about our Distribution Days in Junglinster. Without our committed members of Foodsharing Luxembourg and the support of the commune of Junglinster, these would not have been possible.

Tageblatt. Freitag, den 15. Oktober 2021

EYE 2021

United Against Food Waste: Making sure food ends up in people’s stomachs

Foodsharing Luxembourg participated at the European Youth Event (EYE) at the European Parliament in Strasbourg with thousands of young people from all over the European Union and beyond with a workshop where participants came up with ideas on how to tackle food loss and food waste.

Thank you! That is what “United Against Food Waste” stands for!

Our workshop took place on Saturday, October 9, 2021, from 14:00 to 15:00

Picture by Eunice Sánchez González

Results from the workshop

We divided up the workshop participants into 5 groups. Each group was dealing with one of the following topics: food loss, food service, retail, household. Only the last topic – household – was treated by two groups as we had to split it up due the huge interest. Here the top 3 political demands of each group are listed.

Food loss

  1. Increase youth education about how to value food, how to prevent food waste and how to reduce wasteful tendencies
  2. Optimise food production with scientifically proven solutions
  3. Open more channels for redistribution, e.g. special stores for overproduction or for unconventional looking vegetables

Food services

  1. Make food waste visible by forcing food services to publish their food waste production and to quantify the GHG emissions of their food offered
  2. Make donating unsold surplus mandatory and fund organisations that work with food leftovers
  3. Include food waste solutions in climate policies


  1. Simplify the expiration law and ban throwing away food
  2. Remove all legal barriers to sell expired but still edible food and fund stores that do sell them
  3. Force retail businesses to inform their customers about their food waste

Household 1

  1. Make consumers reflect on their consumption
  2. Support consumers by instructing them on how to prepare and conserve food at home
  3. Introduce food waste regulations for stores selling food

Household 2

  1. Educate consumers about food waste
  2. Make consumers aware of secondary uses
  3. Introduce penalties for food being wasted

We will continue to work with these and all the other ideas for political demands in our upcoming political work activities. Stay tuned!

Thanks to all the workshop’s organisers, facilitators and participants!