In the context of the national elections, we had a panel discussion on the topic of the fight against food loss and waste on the 28th September with the moderator Patrick Azevedo and the following guests:
- Experts
- Dr. Rachel Reckinger, uni.lu
- Estelle Flammang, on.perfekt
- Svenja Zelder, IBLA
- Representatives of the parties:
- Jeff Boonen, CSV
- Chantal Gary, déi gréng
- Eric Weirich, déi Lénk
- Luc Emeringer, DP
- Olivier Bichel, LSAP
- Josiane Engel, Piraten
As everyone agreed that more needs to be done, we hope for a legislative initiative in the next legislative period!
Many thanks for the participation of our guests, for the interest by the people in the public, for the co-organisation with our partners MICROTARIANS S.à. r.l.-SIS and natur&ëmwelt a.s.b.l., and for the financial support by the Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte!